Tuesday, October 30, 2018

November 2018 Podcast

tom cipullo (host and sound editor),
Demilade Haastrup,
Vanessa Rossel,
Willony Barclay
The podcast guests talk about library programs for the month of November: the 15th Annual Families Reading Together event at the Morikami gardens; a Feast of Family Fun Festival series of events; various STEM/STEAM activities for science, technology, engineering, art and math; English Exchange at multiple library locations: Practice speaking English in a fun and informal atmosphere; Intermediate and Beginner level Tai Chi exercises; and MORE!

All events are not at all locations. See the current print edition of Happenings or Happenings Online for schedules. Remember to check each event for age appropriateness or attendance limits.
CLICK HERE to listen or right-click to save the podcast. Length: 13:02.